Here is one of the most beautiful trees in Wichita. This is the tree I have chosen to follow how it changes over the seasons. We do have some dramitic season changes here in Kansas but Iv'e never really thought about watching just one tree
and taking note on it's seasonal beauty.
Over at my friend Julie's blog (<---click here) others have
joined in to do the same thing with watching a chosen tree where they live.
I'm going to enjoy this little trip through the seasons with
my blogland friends!
This is the summer time picture of my tree
and was taken the last week of August some time...
WOW What a beauty, Becci!!
You chose a beautiful tree to follow. I look forward to seeing her in her seasonal finery!
Becci, what a gorgeous Weeping Willow tree. I planted one by our pond five years ago and it is just starting to take shape and get bigger. I love them. When I was little we had one in our back yard. I climbed it, read comic books in it, played house in it and then one year my step father cut it down because he said the roots were going to wrap around our house pipes. I cried.
Your tree will give you some beautiful pictures when it has lost it's leaves, too. :)Bea
Please hop over to my blog and see my tree!
Just a reminder that the Getting Arboreal: A Nature Collection is up for an update next week. Try to make a post with both your original tree photo and your new tree photo and leave me a comment so I can update the links. Hope to see you then!
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