I'm having trouble adding stuff to my finished lessons. So I decided to call each lesson "
finished" until the day comes when I find that perfect thing to write about or to collage.
So until then...I decided to make a digital finished piece!
Oh Digital, I love you!

This is how I began Lesson #4.
Like the cookie sheet? :-)

I bought Golden Crackle Medium and was so excited to try it! I'd never heard of the stuff until Julie added this to our lessons... When I was ready to do the crackle layer
OH-MA-GAWD! it was all dried up! Crap!
The next day I found some Ranger Crackle Paint but the only colors they had were yellowish orange and a pinkish color, thus the yellow choice in this lesson...
I like it!

The scratching and squiggling work real well in the crackle paint.
Have a great hair day! Becci
I love the digital one!! I wish I knew how to do stuff like that; really cool! I'm a little behind on my lessons. Are you going to take Suzi's new class??
I saw this in the forum too.....that yellow KICKS ASS my friend!!
Found your blog and love your work!! Get job on the Layer Love lessons...I've got some catching up to do!
Thanks for your comment over on Studio Cinnamon!
I am loving your blog logo!!!!'
Will def have to keep reminding myself...there is no box , there is no box!
I am having an OK hair day. Debating whether to keep the long layers or go for the classy French Bobbe! You know the drill!
Your blog is def'y fun!
the blog having good future time
please give important informations to all other bloggers
don't forget comment a back to my blog or follow my blog
next time i come here. ok
Oh Becci, I would NEVER not write to you anymore! I appreciate the tough love and I really feel what you're saying. In fact, it's something that little voice in my heart keeps telling me, as well. To stop trying to find "the answers" from outside and let myself just be. That the answers will surface from within, if I just give myself a nice, long breather and know that I'm alright, just as I am. You hit the nail right it right on the head. Thank you!
I love the way your layer experimentations are coming along. This digital piece is so cool! Have a great 4th and a wonderful weekend!
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