Monday, February 04, 2008

Thinking back on Art & Soul Portland - last October

I was so excited to go to Portland to Art & Soul! I was finally going to take some of the classes I had only read about and meet some of the artists I’ve admired in books and magazines over the years! YES! I was going to make all kinds of neat art and have tons of stuff to share…Well, I didn’t get hardly anything done at all! For example on the first day I got to my class super ready with all kinds of extra goodies that I’d brought along “just in case I needed them”. Some how after I barely got started class was over! The whole day flew by and I didn't come close to finishing my project! I listened to Angela give some inspiring thoughts and the details of the “In Your House” project we were going to make. I talked and talked - then I painted a bit,then I talked some more. Then I wondered around to see the other art in the room and then and then I talked some more! Out of the 7 pages (14 altogether if we did both sides) I got 2½ of them finished! What the hell happened to the day! Next time I go to a conference like Art & Soul I’m going to go knowing I’m not going to go make a bunch of arty stuff but I’m going to go meet people and talk! Oh yea, and all the extra goodies I brought didn’t get used! I realized I lugged that suitcase for no reason yet also knowing full well that I’ll do it again because what if I did need them…
These are the 2 1/2 pages I got started for my "In This House" class given by Angela Cartwright, who by the way is a living doll!

I'll definitely get back into the halloween spirit next October and will get a few more pages finished...

1 comment:

The starving artist :o) said...

Very cool House Book Becci. I made one a long time ago and I still cherish it.
Lucky you to meet Angela. I have loved her since she was a little bitty thing. From her pictures, she is still absolutely precious!