Saturday, April 18, 2009

Testing out email posting

OK now this is really something I'm going to like...I can post to my blog via an email! I wonder if I can add a picture this way too??? Let's give it a try!

I tried to copy and past a pic into this email an couldn' I am trying it as an attachment...

It's now 2 days later, I didn't think this worked but discovered it just now in my drafts!

I found this picture of my sister Theresa and I in a hidden box during my last visit to see my dad. That box was a gold mine of old photos I'll tell you that! YES! Anyway, I remember the evening this was taken so clearly! It was father/daughter night with my Brownie troop. We planned spaghetti and meat balls with garlic buttered bread to serve our dads and then had a dance and played musical chairs! I had a bad cold but I wasn't not going to miss this for the world!

Have a great hair day! Becci

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