Monday, August 13, 2007

This guys "web toy" is really really neat! I was going to take 10 minutes or so to check my e-mail and after stumbling onto the scribbler I have been at my computer for 45 minutes and I still have 13 e-mails to check! Ha! I'll have to do that tomorrow as it's T.V. time now. John rented "Boston Legal" on DVD starting with season one. I highly recommend watching a series that way! I love how I can follow the plot of the series better because watching it one right after the other I don't forget what happened in the last episode. We got caught up with "24" with Keefer Sutherland and after that we rented " Battlestar Galactica".

Anyway, you'll have to check the "Scribbler" out for yourself I can't really explain it .

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