Tuesday, March 04, 2008

What about those silly old belt buckles?

My friend Jo has started a group of us artsy fartsy's to get together at her house and create new projects as well as just get together. I think this is such a great idea, I just love it when I get the chance to gab with others who think that spending 2 solid hours going through 1 shoe box of pictures is nothin' and who have collections of weird stuff like a big box of old belt buckles! What on earth are you going to do with all those buckles my husband John would (respectfully) ask...I lovingly look at him with no answer and he walks away shaking his head but knowing I will most likely find something groovy to make. And I did! Jo did anyway. She showed us all how to turn them into necklaces! OK now I'm sure this will be my next "thing" for awhile! HA!

Have a great hair day! Becci


Cafe Artiste said...

Hi Becci, love your blog! Jo said she had some extra belt buckle kits so I may try to make one of those "groovy" necklaces!

I'm sad because I can't make a lot of Jo's get-togethers right now because my son is 9 months old and I work full time and I want to spend as much time as I can with him. So, I guess for now, I'll salivate at the results from the rest of you and sneak in my own art in the dark of night when all my kids are asleep.

Hey - I didn't know you were a stylist! I like supporting my friends and fellow artists and have yet to find a "hair home." Where is your salon?

Feel free to check out my art blog ... www.cafeartiste.blogspot.com

And I WILL have a great hair day!


Anonymous said...

WOW Excellent wire wrapping!! I am curious to know....how many of your fellow hair stylists also dabble in art? (I think hair cutting is art too...but I mean other art..)

Thank you so much for visiting my blog!! I've got you in my feed list now so we can visit!

Rosie said...

Hi Becci! I love that necklace... fantastic! I'm never throwing away another belt buckle now!!

Amber Dawn Inventive Soul said...


I love this piece!

Amber Dawn
(I am on art e zine
I saw you posted the link on your blog roll.
Do you have any of your work there too?)