I am 51 years old and think I am close to menopause. I haven’t skipped or stopped my periods but I’ve been experiencing a few hot flashes especially at night and nothing bad just uncomfortable for a few minutes. I wake up at night and have never ever done that before, I love my sleep! Another symptom I’ve been having is forgetfulness or hazy thinking…I don’t like that but I figure its part of the process…Well not always! Dehydration can have much of the same symptoms! I have to shamefully admit that I do not drink much water at all. I often work 8 hours straight and not pee once! I am booked with haircuts and colors so tight that I skip brakes a lot and when I do have a break we have a Star Bucks coffee machine at the salon and to keep up my pace that’s what I usually grab to drink. Coffee is a strong diuretic and compounds my dehydration! I’m comparing menopause symptoms to dehydration symptoms because they are similar. I’m wondering how many women are just dehydrated when they say they are so tired all the time or that they are so ditzy, scatter brained and forgetful.
Note to self:
Dearest Becci,
Take care of yourself – please! You are a valuable soul, a shining star and you still have to much left to do and offer this world to waste it by neglect. Your body is a gift from God. Respecting it is only right. It’s an honor and your duty to take care of your body (gift). Eat well, drink lots of water, exercise and get plenty of good sleep. This is the stuff you were taught in grade school, the good ole’ basics! Nothing you don’t know! If you are too busy to take care of yourself and to say thank you, you are too busy.
Love, Becci
WebMD.com says: Without water the body begins to shut down. Symptoms of severe dehydration include altered behavior, such as severe anxiety, confusion, sleepiness or not being able to stay awake; faintness that is not relieved by lying down; an inability to stand or walk; rapid breathing; a weak, rapid pulse; and loss of consciousness. Unfortunately, thirst isn't always a reliable gauge of the body's need for water, especially in children and older adults. A better barometer is the color of your urine: Clear or light-colored urine means you're well hydrated, whereas a dark yellow or amber color usually signals dehydration.
When to see a doctor:
If you're a healthy adult, you can usually treat mild to moderate dehydration by drinking more fluids. Get immediate medical care if you develop severe signs and symptoms such as extreme thirst, no urination for eight hours, shriveled skin, dizziness and confusion.
Mild to moderate dehydration is likely to cause:
• Dry, sticky mouth - Yes
• Sleepiness or tiredness -YES!
• Thirst – Not usually. Seems like I would but I guess I’m thinking and visiting so much I don’t realize.
• Decreased urine output - yes
• Few or no tears when crying – Not a problem
• Muscle weakness - yes
• Headache - Sometimes
• Dizziness or lightheadedness – Sometimes
Severe dehydration, a medical emergency, can cause:
• Extreme thirst – Not really
• Extreme fussiness or sleepiness; irritability and confusion - Yes
• Very dry mouth, skin and mucous membranes - Yes
• Lack of sweating - Yes
• Little or no urination — any urine that is produced will be dark yellow or amber - Yes
• Sunken eyes - No
• Shriveled and dry skin that lacks elasticity and doesn't "bounce back" when pinched into a fold – Yes, though it was from getting older…
• Low blood pressure - No
• Rapid heartbeat - Yes
• Fever - No
• In the most serious cases, delirium or unconsciousness – YES! I fainted at the restaurant! I was so embarrassed! This is woke me up to the fact that I was not taking care of me!

~Please stay healthy~
Thanks for sharing this; I am going to get some water right now; I am really bad at drinking lots of water throughout the day. Take care of yourself Becci!!!!
man oh man..I couldn't believe it when you told me what happened! Hope you're extra hydrated now :)
I bet your clients won't mind if you sip on water during their appt. The place I go to offers drinks to the clients. I hope you are feeling much better now. Good information on keeping healthy. Thanks.
goodness gracious! i'm so sorry you fainted. that is just not a good feeling. i'm glad that you found out about the dehydration though so you can take care of yourself. and i'm very grateful that you posted about it because i am very bad about drinking enough water, too. and i am on medication that would probably be much benefited from some h20. aye, aye, aye, getting older is tough on us girls. feel better and keep on loving yourself, becci!
....good thing you had some young stud with you to comfort you. Don't let that happen again!
Oh Becci, please please take your letter to yourself seriously to heart and do it. You MUST take care of yourself! I do know what it's like to be caught up in work all day long without any breaks. And I have been guilty of going on very little water and LOTS of coffee. I did that for many years, on top of having been a heavy smoker. It's only in the last few years that I started drinking lots more water. At first (and for a long time) it was really forced. It took a long time for it to become a habit. I hope you're feeling all better now! xoxo Serena
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