Monday, March 24, 2008

Strange project...

(you can click on the pic to see it bigger
I closed my eyes and picked 2 pieces of paper. Turned out I got a piece of checkered wall paper and some orange tissue paper. Then I got the news paper and picked the first picture that caused a little spark. Chickens!? Why chickens...I guess it's because I had just been reading an article about animal totems and I felt like I had identified with "The Chicken". The chicken?! Yes...oh well. I also felt a connection with "The Bat" but I didn't come across a bat today...

Anyway, why my project came out like it did is beyond me! What do you think?


forcryeye said...

You are so talented...and anyone with an their title or banner can't be half bad!

Joy Logan said...

Love your header/banner how do ya do it?